• How to keep your voice healthy during the holidays

    Make sure to get enough sleep: With so many obligations during the holiday season, it can be tempting to add extra hours to your day by staying up later. Remember, your vocal mechanism is a smaller part of your whole body. Caring for your voice starts with caring…

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  • Videostroboscopy

    What’s Going on With My Voice? Is your voice not what it used to be? Are you losing your voice frequently, experiencing hoarseness, or persistent strain? A videostroboscopy assessment will provide a more detailed analysis of your vocal folds while you are producing…

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  • LOUD Crowd

    We are pleased to announce that we have added The LOUD Crowd® to preserve the voices of individuals with Parkinson’s and related neurological disorders such as Essential Tremor, Lewy Body Dementia, Progressive Supranuclear Palsy and Multiple System Atrophy….

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  • 8 Tips for Saving Your Teacher Voice

    1. Stay healthy The quickest route to a fragile, hoarse voice is through a cold, so those sickness-avoiding techniques we utilize during cold and flu season are critical for voice preservation year-round. Keep your hands away from your eyes, nose and mouth, and…

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