• Hints to Help Manage Holiday Allergies

    Avoiding Mold and Mildew Christmas trees and wreaths. While many people think it’s the tree or other seasonal greens causing their holiday allergies, it’s actually the mold spores on these plants. You may want to steer clear of fresh trees, boughs,…

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  • Allergies During the Holidays

    Lots of holiday favorites can trigger or irritate your allergies. And while you may manage allergy symptoms pretty well most of the year, symptoms of indoor allergens like these can really spike during the holiday season. Indoor allergies become worse in the…

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  • Fall and Winter Allergies

    If you’re wondering whether or not you or your child have fall or winter allergies, here are some signs it might be time to visit an otoloaryngologist (ENT) for an evaluation. The most common fall allergies come from high levels of ragweed pollen and mold…

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  • Is it Fall Allergies, a Cold, or the Flu?

    Is it Fall Allergies, a Cold, or the Flu? While spring allergies get a lot of attention, life can be just as difficult for those with fall allergies. Tree pollen is the major trigger for spring allergy sufferers, grass pollen affects summer allergy patients and…

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