Injection Snoreplasty
Injection Snoreplasty is a relatively new medical procedure that is intended to eliminate snoring. Unlike other procedures such as tonsillectomies and adenoidectomies, Injection Snoreplasty is much less painful, fast, and affordable. The procedure itself involves first numbing the upper palate of the mouth and then injecting a stiffening (or sclerosing) agent that will eventually form scar tissue in that area. As the scar tissue develops, it naturally stiffens the area where the injection was made and reduces the surface area where the air vibration occurs in the airway that leads to snoring. The initial success rate was about 90%, but over 2 years some patients’ snoring returned, and the overall success rate is about 80%.
A consultation with an ENT is recommended as this procedure since it’s not the right treatment for everyone. The thorough exam is typically performed to ensure there are no other underlying sleep-disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a frequent cessation of breathing from an obstruction in the upper airway. It’s possible that your ENT may order a sleep test so snoring can be monitored and to determine whether or not you have sleep apnea. Injection Snoreplasty is not a common treatment for sleep apnea at this time, however, clinical studies are being done and monitored to see if this is a future solution or treatment for sleep apnea.
The actual procedure itself is not typically referred to as a surgery but as a nonsurgical “treatment”. It’s comparable to getting a fast tooth filling at the dentist. Immediately following the treatment, some tenderness towards the roof of your mouth may be experienced. Swelling will most likely occur, but it should not be anything major. A sore throat is expected for a few days as well. A sensation of something stuck at the back of your throat may occur from the injection and will go away within a few days once your body scars and gets used to the hardening of the palate tissues.
Most patients can return to work the same day after the treatment. You will not notice an immediate improvement in your snoring because the palate tissue needs to scar and harden first. This can take several days to a week – everyone has different results. Once the scarring occurs, the vibrations on your palate will reduce since the mouth tissues will be hard. Some patients require multiple treatments and injections. This just means that your body did not scar as much in the area near the injection. You will consult with your doctor at a follow-up appointment and they will examine the scarring and determine if another treatment is necessary or not.
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I’ll take your advice and consult with an ENT before going any further with this treatment. I don’t want to end up hurting myself. Maybe I can find one this weekend so I can get the treatment done as soon as possible if I need it.