• October is National Audiology Awareness Month

    Audiology is the study of hearing and balance disorders. The goal of this national month-long observance is to raise awareness of audiology and the importance of hearing protection in preventing hearing loss. Hearing loss can be caused by a variety of factors including…

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  • Why an Audiologist at AENT

    At Atlantic Ear, Nose & Throat, an audiometric evaluation is administered and interpreted by an audiologist instead of a hearing aid dispenser.  An important distinction to understand when treating hearing loss is the difference between Audiologists and hearing…

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  • Benefits of Using an Audiologist Associated with an ENT

    If you suspect you might have a problem with hearing loss, why should you pick an audiologist over a hearing instrument specialist (HIS) and why should you pick an audiologist who works with an ENT? When it is time for a hearing loss assessment, you can go to an…

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  • Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT)

    People with vestibular disorders often experience problems with vertigo, dizziness, visual disturbance, and/or imbalance. Symptoms due to vestibular disorders can diminish quality of life and impact all aspects of daily living. They also contribute to emotional…

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