• Nasal Airway Obstruction

    Nasal Airway Obstruction (NAO) Do you have the following symptoms? -Nasal congestion or blockage -Trouble breathing through your nose -Difficulty sleeping -Inability to get enough air through your nose during exercise or exertion You could have Nasal Airway Obstruction…

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  • Why an Audiologist at AENT

    At Atlantic Ear, Nose & Throat, an audiometric evaluation is administered and interpreted by an audiologist instead of a hearing aid dispenser.  An important distinction to understand when treating hearing loss is the difference between Audiologists and hearing…

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  • Diaphragmatic Breathing & Your Voice

    Breathing plays in integral part in our everyday living, as it is how we sustain life. Breathing properly through use of diaphragmatic breathing (belly breathing) allows the body to complete specific tasks more efficiently such as speaking, swallowing and digestion….

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  • Benefits of Using an Audiologist Associated with an ENT

    If you suspect you might have a problem with hearing loss, why should you pick an audiologist over a hearing instrument specialist (HIS) and why should you pick an audiologist who works with an ENT? When it is time for a hearing loss assessment, you can go to an…

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