• Sensory Neuropathic Cough

    There are patients with a chronic dry cough lasting longer than 6 months that seem to defy all explanation and resist all of the usual standard treatments. Some patients have coughed for more than ten years resulting in frustration not only in the terms of treatment,…

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  • COPD and Swallowing

    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a progressive disease that makes it hard to breathe. COPD comes with a variety of challenges. One common but not often discussed difficulty is trouble swallowing (also called dysphagia).   Breathing is an important…

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  • Earwax Build-Up & Blockage

    Earwax (also called cerumen) is produced by the glands in the ear canal of humans and other mammals. Earwax lubricates the ear canal—without it, our ears would feel dry and itchy. Earwax protects the skin of the human ear canal as well as provides some protection…

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  • Preventing Common ENT Infections

    Infection Prevention Week is upon us! While many ENT-related illnesses are congenital and non-preventable, there are actually quite a few ailments that can be greatly reduced with some simple patient interventions. Ear Infections: While genetics can certainly make…

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