• Helpful Hints for a Healthy Voice

    Increase fluid intake, 6-8 glasses of water is recommended daily (unless you are receiving dialysis and have fluid restrictions). Drinking water-based beverages improves the lubrication of the vocal folds by raising internal humidity and thinning secretions in…

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  • Hints to Help Manage Holiday Allergies

    Avoiding Mold and Mildew Christmas trees and wreaths. While many people think it’s the tree or other seasonal greens causing their holiday allergies, it’s actually the mold spores on these plants. You may want to steer clear of fresh trees, boughs,…

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  • Vestibular Migraine

    Migraine headaches are a common neurological condition. Although common migraines are characterized by a moderate to severe pounding or throbbing headache, vestibular migraine may or may not involve headaches in combination with vestibular symptoms such as vertigo,…

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  • Allergies During the Holidays

    Lots of holiday favorites can trigger or irritate your allergies. And while you may manage allergy symptoms pretty well most of the year, symptoms of indoor allergens like these can really spike during the holiday season. Indoor allergies become worse in the…

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